About me


Hi there! I am Eric, an academically schooled designer who creatively connects user expectations with the envisioned experience. I translate concepts in a playful yet intuitive way which can be used by users from various backgrounds. I shift between levels of abstraction so creations are technically and creatively achievable by being analytical, methodological, and pragmatic. 

In my daily activities I strive to deliver tailored and surprising experiences and highlight and shape the interactions between user and intervention. My enthusiasm kicks in if am involved in bringing ideas to life. Ideally by cooperating in creating testable prototypes to ensure that it meets the desired experience. My aspiration is to design experiences that will maximize the envisioned visitor engagement for any audience.


I love cycling. It’s my thing. The road is my muse and you can find me there contemplating life.


Tinkering with wood and creating simple objects with my hands is a great way to spend my free time.


User experience designer


December 2022 – now

As UX designer in the Digital Engagement Team my goal is to provide proactive, seamless and personalized digital guidance to customers. We focus on improving customer journeys involving digital channels like the support portal, in-product messages, e-mails, and surveys. We do so to improve usability, reduce the support case load, increase experience satisfaction and improve support scalability. My main responsibilities include execution and analysis of user research, executing reasoned visual design, collaborating with development, and user-testing to improve Exact’s (self-)service offerings.

Experience designer

Kiss the Frog

November 2019 – May 2022

I designed bespoke concepts for interactive installations for experiential exhibits in museums and experience centers. We developed all the software in-house from scratch. I was mostly involved in ideation and prototyping.

Interaction designer (graduate intern)


January 2018 – December 2018

In this master graduation project I developed an abstract projection about the context of confused behavior. As a result I proposed a tangible rotatable disc to allow people experiencing confusion to formulate their needs in such a moment, this was based on findings from several co-creations sessions.

User experience designer & co-founder


February 2017 – June 2017

In this startup venture which I co-founded, we designed a parametric solution to 3d-print orthopedic braces for pets. I developed a minimum viable product for veterinarians in the form of a mobile application to capture the images and conceptualized a parametric model.

Interaction designer (student project)

Kiss the Frog

September 2016 – January 2017

Within this project we designed Shelli, a device to allow museum visitors to listen to thoughts about displayed artefacts and leave anonymous thoughts by recording. I was responsible for gathering the user insights, user testing, prototyping, and for maintaining the overall vision.

User experience designer


March 2015 – June 2015

I was the sole designer tasked with the development of new digital print products, rethinking the interaction of the service portfolio, and in co-developing code and shaping the interaction and experience.

Concept trainee

0to9 Cross Creative Agency

February 2014 – June 2014

In this traineeship I developed my conceptualization skills for creative advertising. I was involved and entrusted with the creative research and worked along in challenging campaigns, branding, and identity of large corporations.

Product designer

MINT Greenhouses

September 2013 – January 2014

We as MINT developed and designed a step-by-step instructional manual in an innovative, picture-oriented way for lower-educated rural inhabitants in the surroundings of Nairobi, Kenya who want to increase their livelihood by small-scale greenhouse food cultivation. MINT built the first MINT Greenhouses and started up a fund for future expansion of these greenhouses, and we started the initial distribution of the developed manuals.


Design for Interaction

Master of Science – University of Technology Delft

September 2015 – June 2017 & January 2018 – December 2018

In this hands-on graduate program I learned to design by focusing on the way a user understands, uses, and experiences a product. It emphasizes analyzing needs and tuning the researched relevant parameters to optimize interaction, through design according to a vision. I embraced learning by iteration through creating demonstrators and putting them to the test with potential users.

Industrial Design

Bachelor of Science – University of Technology Delft

September 2010 – April 2011 & September 2012 – December 2014

During this undergraduate program I learned to design by combining three pillars: human traits, technology, and business. I received training in technical aspects with production, static and dynamic behavior of products, and material characteristics, but also soft skills. I enjoyed this thorough base and learned to integrate the multidisciplinary aspects in team settings to convert target group needs to consumer products.

International Entrepreneurship & Development

Minor – University of Technology Delft

September 2013 – February 2014

During this minor I learned about what it means to be an entrepreneur, especially in a developing country. In the second phase we put this expertise to the test and we started an international project abroad to benefit a local sustainable trend.